May 17, 2010 18:40
My typically Crabby Old Eye Doctor wasn't crabby today. All I had to do was get him talking about plants! lol
He fucked me up though with those drops. I thought I was going to hurl earlier. I've never had such a bad reaction from them. Weird.
I bought 4 bags of dirt today (and it still isn't enough for my new flower bed).
Buying dirt in the first place is a foreign idea to me.
Coming from the country, dirt was free. Always.
It felt strange laying down money for it. heh
It turns out buying new plants is VERY therapeutic!
Hey, there's far worse things I could be spending money on!
Like icky meth or something. Gross.
At least plants are a good sound investment.
AND I typically buy things that you can also eat in a pinch!
Michael sent in the xbox and Wii to get fixed today so...
Gaming Parties should resume soon!
Picked out some frames but...
it turns out I have a really tiny head so
the lady ordered me some cool kid frames with magnetic sunglasses.
They fit my face better. *shrug*
They aren't as artsy as I typically go for but I was REALLY going for the
magnetic sunglasses feature this time.
It's a must for my Old Lady Eyes now.
They continue to get worse and worse everytime I go in!
Tuna Noodlers just came out of the oven.
I'm starving my face off after laying dirt and hauling rocks!
I have Farmer's Hands. But the hard work feels good. Distracting.
in the garden