sketch by Jade + good weekend

Mar 22, 2010 09:07

sketch by Jade
Originally uploaded by Corinne Herrewig

Added more stuff to my Creative Kids Gallery!

Had a nice weekend with The Fam.
Planted Lettuce with Jade on Ostara. Transplanted some Raspberries who've tried to escape. Started tearing up the front yard for various things. Lavender, tired of mowing fucking dandelions. It's time. It's back breaking work but...worth it. For the thrill of new plants AND the free toned upper body strength!

Watched Whip It this weekend finally. Cute movie.

And finally...

watched Inglorious Basterds!!

Kristoph Waltz is the best villain EVER, without ever even raising his voice. Pure talent that guy!

Mondays have easily become my favorite day of the week. It's the ONLY day of the week everyone else leaves for a bit, but I'm still home to blast music (I wanna hear) & thoroughly clean my house! \m/
Bake cookies to put in lunches all week & plan/cook an elaborate delicious dinner!

you tube, in the garden, creative kids

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