And did you get your information from the racial nationalist library?
Lifetime rate of rape/attempted rape for women, according to the Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women Survey:
* All: 17.6%
* White: 17.7%
* Black: 18.8%
* Asian/Pacific Islander: 6.8%
* American Indian/Alaskan: 34.1%
* Mixed Race: 24.4%
Among people 12 and older, about 83.5% of the US population is white, and 82.5% of rape victims are white; 13.3% of victims are black, compared to 12.3% of the population; and 4.2% of both victims and the population are of other races, according to the 2000 National Crime Victimization Study.
this information comes from RAINN:Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.
Something else to consider:
"Robinson brought up the point that we are socialized to think of sexual assault in terms of a Black male perpetrator and a White woman victim. But if it is in fact true that Black men are mostly raping Black women (whom they have more access to)" Now this is sad, yet true, considering that most victims (73%) of sexual assault are assaulted by those who are close to them 38% being a friend or acquaintance of the victim, 28% being previously intimate with the victim, and 7% being another relative (extended family). (only 27% of sexual assaults are carried out by a "stranger in the bushes")
So considering these facts, I'd assume that's it's "safe" to say that most white women are being raped by white men, and that most Black women are being raped by Black men, and also that American Indian women stand the chance of being sexually assaulted more than any other eithnic group in the country, despite the small size of this population.
Also taking into consideration, the racial socialization of the United States, while racial segregation is illegal, most ethnic groups in the US choose to remain separate from each other.
I'm done.
I Just posted this on the IMDB message board in response to
this The internet is filled with Trolls and other types of ignorant folks. I just couldn't let this one go, I'm really tired of all the bullshit. And even though the actual poster may not read my reply, I hope someone else does, and takes a moment to really think about somethings.