Oct 26, 2009 16:52
My Great Dane, who is a little bit senile, has developed a fear of loud noises. Thunder, fireworks, gunshots, etc. Hunting season is in full swing in these parts, and he has already broken a 1/4-inch-thick piece of glass trying to get through a door. He was outside, and wanted in because he could hear gunshots. I was vacuuming and didn't hear the glass break, but I smelled the blood. He'd been chewing on the jagged pieces of glass that were still in the frame because he still couldn't get through. He cut up his gums pretty good, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. We replaced the glass with plywood.
We had eagles and a red-tailed hawk outside our window this morning. One of the mature eagles had an eye injury, and one of the immature eagles was missing a foot. I don't know how he manages with just one foot, but he seemed to do all right. The eagles were swooping down on the hawk and slamming into him. He had a chicken and was scarfing down meat as fast as he could go, even when they knocked him over. He didn't leave much for the eagles.
I've been spending a lot of time thinking about and taking notes for my Nano project. I think I'm ready to go. I think. Last time I said that, one of the characters hijacked the thing and changed it up on me. But I've figured out my villain, the event that sets the story in motion, my two main characters, and I know some of the things they'll encounter on the way. I don't want to plan it out too much but I do have a general idea of where it's going. I'm ready.
I had a really bad dream last night, and my ego is feeling raw and bruised today. I dreamed that my ex-boss was sending e-mails out saying that I the company had wasted a lot of money paying me to do nothing, and that they would have to let some people go because of this. Everyone I knew from my old job was mad at me as a result.
So this morning when I looked at my nano idea, still feeling the awfulness of the dream, the idea looked so stupid to me, I was ready to throw it aside and start fresh. And maybe it's not the greatest, most original idea in the world, but I could tell that it was not the idea that made me feel that way. That was plain old depression rearing its ugly head. So I tried to set the idea aside for a few days.
It doesn't want to be set aside. This is a good sign, I think. :)
nanowrimo 2009,