May 23, 2006 09:13
Today is just one of those days when I want to crawl back under the covers and stay there for a long while.
I woke up feeling utterly exhausted, as though I had not slept, despite the fact I know I slept deeply.
My mum called this morning, before I was fully awake, and bugged the hell out of me about things she certainly could have said via email. And couldn't hear a word I was saying, but insisted on bugging the hell out of me anyhow.
I got an email this morning about a resume I'd sent out last night via email, to tell me that I somehow DID NOT ATTACH THE RESUME TO THE EMAIL, OMG how embarrassing. And they were kind enough to ask me to resend, rather than just deleting my original message out of hand.
I've been carefully bookmarking the listings for every job I've applied to so far, for easy reference. But when I went to find the e-mails to resend the resume I'd neglected to attach, I discovered that none of the bookmarks actually work, they all take me to an error page instead of the listings I'd wanted to save.
I've only been awake for an hour now. The day has only just begun.
I'd like to curl up and have a good childish cry, or alternatively go back to bed and start the morning over again, and I can't do either. Meh.