(no subject)

Jul 04, 2006 02:07

I was out of town two days last week since I had to go up to phoenix to get my military medical examination, not fun. I passed every single test except that we discovered that apparently I have no depth perception, weird, I never really knew that. The lady was on crack I swear because she made me look into this machine and asked me which bubble among many bubbles looked "different". Of course I failed this test so I say they all look the same, she kept bugging me to guess so I did and when I did this roaring "NO!" went in my ear and freaked me the hell out. She kept screaming at me the entire time. I also had my blood taken for the first time by this asian guy who was nice, but didn't look like he knew what he was doing.
Ultimately I had fun, although the girl I went with was a tad bit strange as we went together and roomed together. She was very rude and some people were rude to me because of her. I also thought for a moment that the taxi driver that was driving us to the hotel was going to kidnap us because he was hitting on us hardcore and was really creepy, plus it took forever for us to get there.
So the soonest that I will be leaving will be in September...The wii will be out and I will be in basic, great. Yep, but it seemed like the recruiters were very willing to give me what I wanted as they initially told me that medical related jobs were scarce, however when they presented the jobs to me, four out of five were medical related. I was really happy, I was scared that they would give me crap jobs. At first they were trying to get me into mechanics and I straight up told the lady she was on crack. I remember taking the asvab before and afterwards asking Sarah what a piston was.
Bad news is that because of my frequent visits to the recruiters and my going out of town my grades have gone down and finally I had to request I get a Y... although I was too embarrassed to ask what that was. I just accepted it. My computer has been driving me crazy in its slowness so I will probably reformat (dun dun duuuuuun)
So I guess that's it... Have fun everyone!
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