Not dead!

Sep 17, 2005 23:18

to let you know I haven't died...
I've been busy with school and fic writing. I am currently working on the Romance one shot for Slayerscontest and the Toys drabble. Other then that I have a few works in progress that I seem to be doing well on : D

Every Rose Has it's Thorns: A Yu Yu Hakusho/Slayers crossover for Tarahime...Kurama/Sylphiel and Hiei/Zelgadis ^_^;
Memoirs of a Possesed Plushie: Bleach, Kon fic
Mazoku mambo number 5: Song parody ^_^;
Opposites Attract: A X/F pairing ficcy, humor
Heart of Sword: A Gourry-centric fic
Set in Stone: An X/Z and a few other odds and ends... So no Im not dead...
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