"Sizzle" NOT "Shizzle"

Jun 28, 2009 20:50

Now down in Shawnee with the little ones 7, 8 and 9 yr olds. So cute and dependent. 12 kids and 8 adults but most of the time its just 3 of us. I've got one kid who is soooo slow at everything. I have one who LOVES me, awe , she is so sweet I taught her how to swim this week. She holds my hand everywhere we go and gives me hugs all the time.

Had to learn the unit song from some of the Cherokee camper because it's not in our song book. Well, I don't know if it was written down wrong or if the campers were pulling a prank but we were singing all week all over camp "We're the SHIZZLE your the Drizzle ..." and it was brought to my attention Friday that it's actually SIZZLE. So I had 7 yr old saying they were the shit.


Nick drove 13hrs up to see me on my birthday. Went to this old diner in Winchester for breakfast , then to the arcade for some ski ball. Saw YEAR ONE, it was funny like a newer HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Then heard the news about the KING OF POP, shocking. Went to dinner but I wasn't used to non-camp food and felt really ill that night. Looked at some travel books on Seattle at Boarders. It was really really nice to see him.

So tired all the time, I don't get enough sleep down here in Shawnee. The girls wake up in the middle of the night and run to the restroom and they don't understand how to be quiet. Then I occasionally have a crier I have to cheer up so she can get back to bed. I'm actually shocked at how good I am at it.

I wish I had some one to cheer me up when I feel like crying. It's hard being a supervisor and living with the people your are over. I have made friends but because of my position I feel like I can't talk to them. I'm surrounded by girls and yet feel alone. My only connection to the outside world is the phone booth in the staff house. I call home and feel better but as soon as the conversation is over I feel worse. But the upside is that I don't have any time for myself to feel sad so that's one good thing sort-of.
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