Last night I needed to escape a bit of stress in the apartment, so I left messages with
srakkt and
rourkie to see if either one wanted company. Apparently I used my sad, slightly whiny, I-REALLY-need-to-hang-out-with-people voice. How embarrassing! And here I thought I was playing it so cool.
Rourkie got back to me and I joined him,
teko and their friend K. at the Brattle Theater for the Sneak Preview of the Decemberist’s
Here Come The Waves: The Hazards of Love Visualized. I wasn’t familiar with The Hazards of Love and had a hard time following the music and the visuals together, but enjoyed the show overall.
After the show was over, everyone explained the story of The Hazards of Love for K. and me. It really is a beautiful love story, but definitely missing the “happily ever after” ending that makes the sickeningly sweet story I so dearly love.
Everyone was pretty disappointed with the animation. While it was well done, the feeling was that it was pretty generic and not worthy of the term “The Hazards of Love Visualized”.
Definitely a good night in my book!