
Nov 14, 2007 23:46

Cureall cannot help but feel a little nervous. Most teleporting she does is by PIN and is about as traumatizing as stepping through a door. But she can feel Kigan all around her, so she could not really be afraid.

She's more than a little nervous about this Charlie person she is about to meet though.

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random_xtras November 20 2007, 02:37:27 UTC
"So you're a medic?" rumbles Charlie, looking at her with a keen smile.


violet_cure November 20 2007, 02:43:06 UTC
She nods and turns to smile at him. "Yes sir. This one is a medic, specializing in pratical nursing for recovering patients, but she can perform most major operations with the aid of a more experianced medic."


random_xtras November 20 2007, 02:54:06 UTC
"Why did you choose that career feild?" He reaches for another piece of fudge, his beer set aside and forgotten for the moment.


violet_cure November 20 2007, 03:06:07 UTC
Cureall thinks for a moment on this. "It wasn't entirely this one's choice. When she was created, her actual build was more along the lines of a...comforter? That might be a good human phrase for it. Back before the war, they were usually workers in resturants and hotels. They spent time with lonely people who missed families to talk to, serving them energon and talking to them. But...this once the war started, Cybertronians began to takes sides and...change. There was no more need for them, but this one's creator was lonely and made himself four comforters, but he was killed in a blitz before he could activate us. Later the autobots activated us and assigned this one to medical, because she wished to be of the most comfort to people, and not to fight."


random_xtras November 20 2007, 03:11:39 UTC
He nods his understanding, his eyes thoughtful and distant, then focuses again as Kigan gives her a gentle squeeze. "Are you happy?"


violet_cure November 20 2007, 03:15:06 UTC
Cureall snuggles closer to Kigan and smiles. "Oh yes! This one is very happy now, she has a safe place to stay and people are very kind to her. It would be selfish to be unhappy!"


random_xtras November 20 2007, 03:20:21 UTC
"Not necessarily," he says gently. "If a soul isn't being used for the purpose that it was created for, even if it does the work well, it chafes and yearns toward its true purpose. That's not selfish."

Kigan has his cheek against Cureall's head again, his optics focused gravely on Charlie as he speaks. And Mada is leaning back with a finger in her mouth.


violet_cure November 20 2007, 03:28:07 UTC
Cureall shakes her head. "This one is just happy being useful. She gets to help people heal, that is the most important thing. Besides, if she had stayed a comforter, she could not sparkbond or have sparklings. Her commitment would be to her charges." She grins. "This one would be sad if she did not have the option of having a little one and a family."


random_xtras November 20 2007, 03:34:59 UTC
His smile softens, and then he looks up as the woman from the lab comes over and leans down to grab his beer before putting her elbow on his shoulder and smiling at their guests. Her eyes go to her husband as he glances at her, and then she nods and turns to Cureall and Kigan with a grin.

"Hi, I'm Rhea. Don't believe anything these two say about me."


violet_cure November 20 2007, 03:38:54 UTC
Cureall smiles brightly. "But you are pretty! How can this one not belive it when she sees it?"


random_xtras November 20 2007, 03:43:39 UTC
"Because they make me out to be a beauty queen and a genius, and nobody can live up to that." Her grey eyes twinkle, then look down at the bottle of beer in her hand, which is rapidly frosting up. She plainly cares for her husband and daughter as much as they care for her, she's just too ornery to admit their praise.


violet_cure November 20 2007, 03:53:46 UTC
Cureall smiles at this, she know a few people like that. "This one's teacher liked to say the same things when this one complimented him."


random_xtras November 20 2007, 03:57:41 UTC
"Smart man." She hands the icy beer to her husband, who frowns slightly and warms it up before it gives him frostbite, then reaches down to have a piece of fudge herself.


violet_cure November 20 2007, 04:54:29 UTC
Cureall laughs. "Very much so! He was one of three smartest mechs on the Arhk, and a wonderful person." She blinks at Charlie. "I thought it was not possible to freeze beer."


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