Au revoir, LiveJournal. I am moving to Wordpress to facilitate my amateur writing career in the media and well...fiction writing. I guess it's also because I feel that Wordpress is just a more viable setting to write. LJ is getting kind of dead to be honest.
I also feel that as I move into my 20s, I think it's timely that I leave my angsty teenaged self behind and start afresh. You know what I mean? I'm moving into university, learning to become an adult and all that. Bittersweet as it is to let go of this blog since it has followed me for the past six years of my life, I want to start all over again: Not as Astrid the bully victim, not as Astrid the angsty girl. Not as Astrid the reject. I've made lots of great friends over at LJ. I've changed a lot over the past few years though and I think it's best that this new me cross over and live anew. You can find me here from now on if you want to hear my concert reports,my reflections on life and all that. It's been a great six years with LJ. But some things must come to an end. Au revoir.