skewed perspectives

Jul 15, 2005 13:40

its kinda funny really. if you think about it, none of us truly know our friends when it comes to some of our most inner selves. i mean no, its not like we're not necessarily supposed to, but it surprises me sometimes, how little some of us know each other. whether we thought we really knew them or not, our views of each other are sometimes so far off it hurts. ppl seem to be judging each other based on opinion and what they THINK someone is trying to say. like based on what vibes they think theyre getting and just the way that their views lead them to percieve each other. so rarely we try to truly find out what each other really are saying. who we really are.
some of us think we are the closest of friends and really, we dont know a fucking thing. we may base our actions off of what we say to one another, but then a string of misconceptions often leads to unresolved conflicts and torn friendships. and i think all of this secretive coded bullshit is just fucking up our chances of helping each other and remaining friends. we are so clouded in our thoughts we dont even see what the fuck we are doing. and we are just feeding the problems. if we want something its time, and has been time, for us to just fucking come out and say it.
complications just fuck things up and we dont even try to help it. stop.
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