A Romantic Interlude...Gone Wrong

Aug 13, 2011 17:02

Title: A Romantic Interlude…Gone Wrong
Author: Aleanor Black
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: WWE, Storyline Based
Pairing/Character(s): Miz/Morrison
Summary: Preparing a romantic dinner for your significant other has its problems. Too bad Mike didn’t know about them ahead of time.
Warning: Minor language
Author’s Note: I came up with this idea when I was at work. It’s just a short, romantic story about Miz trying to make dinner for his lover. Unfortunately, things never go right for him. He maybe awesome but when he step…I let you read and found out. Enjoy ladies and gentlemen!
Disclaimer: So I don’t own any characters in this story. They belong to Vince McMahon and his gigantic company while Michael Mizanin and John Hennigan are paid to portray them. I’m not making a profit from this story, but those two dudes are getting a huge promotion and they don’t know it yet!

The oven was preheated at 500 degrees.
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