May 05, 2011 06:10
- 02:06:53: The social aspects of your day may grow very complicated, pres... More for Leo
- 05:01:32: RT @iTotallyRelate: There are no perfect relationships. It’s how you accept the imperfections that makes it perfect.
- 05:07:37: RT @LoveQ: "What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can't reread a phone call." ~ Liz Carpenter
- 06:47:08: RT @iTotallyRelate: Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding hapiness, appreciating the memories, and ...
- 06:59:16: "Felt like a pearl when I was holding yer hand.So precious.You are everything I'm not.You can't blame a girl for tryin'"
- 07:11:02: What is a good hot meal someome could take for his/her lunch? #sickofsandwiches
- 07:21:09: I think I need a priest. Exorcise these #demons
- 07:38:42: I'm the only one in my way now. So I need to give up the ghosts. Sickness has no cure. Abandon ship! #stillbreathing
- 10:05:06: Bubbles! () O 0 o O () o O
o () o O () o O () O o
- 12:44:48: Mi Amore is exhausted and dirty from work but stuck sitting in traffic =(
- 15:14:38: cooked & had dinner. Now settled in watching As Good As It Gets <3
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