Unfortunately, THIS guy's slated to be the new 'Conan'...
You may remember the Hawiian-born Jason Mamoa
as 'Ronon' from the Stargate Atlantis series.
While he's GOT to be a better choice than whichever
guy they were considering from 'Twilight' ('cuz those guys all suck),
I highly doubt; no matter how much time he spends in the gym, that
he; or very few others who're just "actors", could fill the shoes of...
"The Ah-nold"... except for Paul LeVesque (sp?) AKA "Triple H" of WWE
fame... who; supposedly, WAS slated to be like "Son of Conan" or something,
with Arnold playing 'King Conan', which would've ROCKED effin' HARD. I
think HHH could just BE Conan too, BUT, I think that may involve Vince MacMahon
getting his sticky fingers into the flick. Although, I think if Vince's dumb old ass
had been quick & smart enough, he could've put out an AMAZING Conan flick, using
HHH & several other nice WWE talents. That's just my opinion.
Instead, we're likely to end up with a movie that the over CGI'd *yawn* GQ-esque
remake *yawn-yawn* of 'Clash of the Titans' will blow out of the water & piss all
over at the box office.
I'm predicting something with '10,000 BC' type effects, combined with the "feel" of
the old 'Hercules' series with Kevin Sorbo. Somewhat entertaining but likely NOT
Big Screen worthy & DEFINITELY NOT 'Conan' worthy. Oh well... I may go see
it for a matinee, IF it's not too "Queer Eye For The Barbarian Guy". We'll see.