(no subject)

Jul 29, 2005 08:21

People are changing.

People are fabricating a new image of themselves in order to accomodate the person they wish they really were.

I suppose its a fact of life; I suppose it should be expected that surrounding ourselves with certain people puts us in the position to be influenced.. but should we slam that open door on everyone we used to know? As if to say, "Look at me! I'm new and improved, different and powerful. I'm not who you thought I was", and then proceed to laugh it off as a fault of someone else?

No, we shouldn't. The only shit that anyone gives about you magically growing balls is a bad one.. "Why is he/she so different? Why is he/she being this way?". Of course, being human, we naturally dislike change from the beginning. It takes some getting used to before we can fully embrace it. But, a negative change that makes us question and compromise our desire to even speak to you is one that will never receive a comfortable embrace. It would be like one of those awkward side hugs, instead of a full frontal warm hug (to help illustrate my point).

If I really wanted to, I could spout of every thing I have ever wanted to say to anyone, because I wish I was the type of person that didn't bottle up certain feelings. I could disobey and do whatever I wanted to do in spite of someone else because I wish I was the type of person that didn't care if everyone got what they wanted.. but unfortunately, I am not that person. I fear disappointing people, I only understand to a certain extent that I can't please everyone, and I keep things to myself so that I don't burden others. However, these are not character flaws. These are aspects of my personality. Of course, there is always room for improvement.. but improvement is a gradual process, not something that happens quickly.

Now, a specific umm.. "tiff", as I'd like to call it.. has come to my attention, one that I would like to comment on. Rachel Wappel, God love her, is very much known for her word choice when she writes. In fact, I will testify that she has been writing this way since I got to know her in 8th grade.. almost 3 years ago. She has been accused and faulted many times for incorrectly using some of her vocabulary, and perhaps displaying a bit of redundancy, mistakes that ANY human being is bound to make. Speaking, reading, and writing are learning processes. It takes YEARS for children to learn how to properly construct sentences.. in fact, it takes years for some teenagers and adults to learn how to properly construct sentences. I'm sure I have ended a dozen sentences with a preposition, I'm sure I have split infinitives, and I'm sure I have conveyed my thoughts in a way that at least one person will not understand. However, I would not see the point in nit picking every single one of my sentences and changing them to satisfy how you see fit (unless perhaps you are grading the SAT). If your sole purpose is to help them, do it privately, instead of in a very public, very rude manner for all to see. And besides, how do you know her "15 year old mind" DOESN'T work that way?

And lets not forget the juvenile argumentative and accusatory tone used by all who have done this.

One more thing.. for all of you involved in school activities) who feel that drinking is a responsible and exciting way to spend your time, here's a word of advice: DO NOT PUT PICTURES OF YOURSELF DOING IT ON THE INTERNET. Nobody can make you stop doing what you want to do, but when you put PROOF that you are disobeying strict guidelines into anyone's hands, you are signing your own dismissal papers. I am not going to advocate the drunken stupor I hear about nonstop, but if you are going to do it, BE SMART ABOUT IT. They always say a picture is worth 1000 words.. 1000 more words than you could ever think of to excuse yourself. Don't get angry, don't try to fault someone else for something that YOU did.. it is nobody else's fault but yours. You knew the rules when you tried out, whether it be Troy-Anns, cheerleading, or whatever.

If you are worried about your fate as part of an organization, I have a suggestion: STOP BEING STUPID AND GET THE PICTURES OFF THE NET. What a novel concept.
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