New Trents body came in the mail today!!! Yeayyyyyyyy!!
My only problem is its a LOT more dainty than the DZ bodys -___-;...
The suit Effigy made for Trent is a big big on him and the jacket a bit too long.. So Grrr... Either I'll ahve to bed for a new comission of one for New Trent or see about taking in the one i currently have -__-.
Plus The body is only 61cm tall.. Which means he's only a smidge taller than Vincent, if even that.. And Vin always wears platforms... So.. Hmm... I know Trent dosnt wear big flashy shoes. But I guess he may have to adapt? XD Or I'll have to get creative with the photos..
Other than that its a rather nice body. It has an awkward torso joint and no hip joint, but VERY nice hip bones sculpted >.>... It'll take time ot get used to the torso joint, I may hot glue suard it to make life easyer just becaause I dont need to break his rib cage area that moves.. That would suck.
SO, I have reached another Dilema... The event head it came with is already sold off.. However, it came with 2 heads.. One was an elf eared head.. And sadly, I kinda liek it.. >.>
NOW.. I COULD use the money, to help pay for new Trencher... I could probly get like $200+ for the head as well if I put it on DoA.
There is a girl that wants to buy it (the same oen that bought the event head) but... I think It'd only be like $85usd as thats originally what I had it listed for.. (stupidly)
So Since I like it I sent her a message saying make an offer so I wont be tempted to keep him LOL
But I really am tempted >.> I always have this habbit of selling off heads before taking time to think about them.. And all my special event gift heads have been sold off (I think i have a problem lol)
But yeah.. I guess Time will tell..
Im not sure he'd be right for sapphire... Possibly ambrose.. even though I did settle on a Sliph for him as the previous post shows... So.. I dunno... >,<;...
Maybe I should just selll him.. @_@ Save me the trouble!
Also for those curious, this is the other event head, the already sold one: