Jun 16, 2004 20:16
Pick a band and for each question use a song title for the answer..
1. Are you male or female: Poison Girl
2. Describe yourself: Soul on Fire
3. How do some people feel about you?: Gone with the Sin
4. How do you feel about yourself?: Beautiful
5. Describe an old girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: The Heartless
6. Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: Hevan Tonight
7. Where are you?: This Fortess of Tears
8. Where would you rather be?: Sweet Pandemonium
9. Describe what you want to be: The Begining of the End
10. Describe how you live: In Joy and Sorrow
11. Describe how you love: Razorblade Kiss
12. Share a few words of wisdom: Don't Fear the Reaper