3rd book: Persepolis by Maejane Satrapi
Everyone has read it and if you haven't you should. A wonderful, exquisitely wrought piece on growing up Iranian. It has beautiful evocative illustrations without the uncanny valley of realism.
4th book: Walking the Boundaries by Jackie French, illustrated by Bronwyn Bancroft
I'm being a little cheeky here as Jackie French is a white lady, albeit grown up in the bush. However the illustrator, Bronwyn Bancroft is a descendant of the Bunjalung people of New South Wales. If this book doesn't fit into the criteria of this challenge (as it is a POC authors challenge) I will be happy to delete it.
It is a beautiful book, time and space. It has that lovely clarity that young adult books sometimes possess and is wonderful moving in an understated way. I do recommend it if only for your own and young person of your acquaintance.
5th Book: Emily Kame Kngwarreye: Utopia: the Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye
Exhibition Catalouge. Deatils of the exhibition can be found here:
http://www.nma.gov.au/exhibitions/utopia_the_genius_of_emily_kame_kngwarreye/catalogue/ This catalogue was an inclusive look at her history as well as insightful essay that do not get too bogged down in art speak. Also includes a biography, history time line, and pictures of Utopia. Margo Neale's essay is featured here and as I had the very good fortune to her her speak on this exhibition it is well worth the read. great for anyone interested in Indigenous Australian art, contemporary or no as it provides a certain sort of Rosetta stone for anyone uninitiated in a kind of indigenous world view.