(no subject)

Feb 28, 2006 15:22

Tabitha Hurst
Pd 8
Visualizing Voltage

I. Purpose: To create a graph of voltage of a point and plates
II. Materials: Digital Voltmeter, low voltage power source
III. Sketch:
IV. Theory: By using the voltmeter, we can determine the voltage at different points in a point charge, and plate setup. We can then graph these point s to determine potential difference at points.
V. Procedure: 1. Set up apparatus
2. Record the voltage at every half point, use voltmeter
3. Graph the points on the computer and create a three dimensional graph of potential energy.
VI. Safety: Use less than ten volts.
VII. Data and Observations: For the point charges, the horizontal displacement increased with the recorded voltage. The vertical displacement did the opposite. For the parallel plates, the voltage decreased horizontally, and increased vertically.
VIII. Analysis and Conclusion: The graphs show the difference in voltage throughout a setup of point charges or parallel plates. The graphs show a drop in voltage.
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