Jun 05, 2005 21:38
denting eric's car in an effort to get a birdie off an offerhang is super cool.
so is almost falling off a car (ALLY)
as well as closing car doors on your foot,
having a super high tolerance,
reliving a night we all said we didnt want to talk about again,
finding something to replace eating with,
not sleeping much,
hitting travis with erics car,
backing up when he's getting some on the hood,
getting heellllaa free alcohol,
seeing my triplets,
changing your tights in the back of erics car,
throwing bra's onstage,
hippie poems,
free t shirts and pins (thanks eric),
laughing a lot,
playing badminton in a parking lot in the middle of the night,
accidently dragging a cigarette across the speakers in erics car door,
and getting polka dot high heels.
this weekend was rad.
this summer is about to be out of control.