a little while ago i started to hear a....thumping. loud. i've now been walking around for like 10 minutes trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. it sounds like it is coming from the middle of the floor in one room. if i walk into another room, i can barely hear it at all. it doesn't sound like music though, unless it's some crazy and REALLY annoying techno that i don't know about. but it is driving me CRAZY. and made me have the sad realization that my hearing is not okay, that i sort of have a problem. i get along fine most of the time, and sometimes (maybe now?) have super sensitive hearing, kind of the opposite of what you'd expect. but until the last few years i've always had GREAT hearing. very sharp. when i lived in a dorm i could tell who was walking down the hall by their footsteps. yeah, it was a small dorm. anyway, i found out recently that this is sort of what happened to my mom, who has had surgery and part of her inner ear is titanium (unfortunately it entirely screwed up her balance. so now she has the one good ear (the fixed one), the one deaf side (where i always have to sit) and can no longer ride motorcycles...which is a bummer. my mom told me that before she went deaf, her hearing got SUPER sensitive, and then distorted, and then it just goes. crazy thing is that i had been through the first two before she even told me. my hearing was very very good when i was younger, and then it got weird...everything was distorted. i almost completely stopped listening to music for almost a year. a YEAR. and i love music more than i can say. so it was crappy, i'd have to turn the tremble WAY down and listening to anything like metal was so uncomfortable i'd have to leave the room. eventually i decided that i should start listening again and slowly started listening here and there. now i listen all the time on my ipod, mostly on the subway. -- as a sidenote: why is it that people just start to talk to you when you CLEARLY have headphones on?? don't they notice? i never answer at first because my headphones are like foam earplugs. i love them. but maybe i should cut down on their use. -- and now, i think i may be losing my hearing. hard to say. but if this continues during HOUSE, i am going to kill someone. you've been warned!
agghhh, the buzzing is still continuing. it almost sounds like an appliance gone bad, a monster vacuum on the loose or something. i fear this, because i made frozen yogurt in my ice cream maker the other night and didn't realize until near the end that it might have been sort of loud. but this is RIDICULOUS. it sounds like they have a snowblower above and/or below me. i'm all worried that it's some appliance in my apartment about to explode. i'd think i was totally insane except for the cats are all freaked out. they're acting crazy, trying to find the sound. all spazzed out. that makes three of us. ah big city living.
i bet it's just a fucking party up/down stairs. christ, i can't even figure out which direction it's coming from.
OH MY GOD. IT STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay, i'm done whining. have to go drool over HOUSE.
huzzzah for CAPS.
peace out.