#078: Icons

Jul 10, 2011 16:32

I thought I could post some icons for a change not that I'd have to study or anythingThe Linkin Park and Moonlight icons are really old and were made for icontest communities which haven't been updated in over a year. I deleted some of them, but kept the majority. I'm not sure if that's sad (that I wouldn't consider them as too bad to post) or if ( Read more... )

graphics: linkin park, graphics: gilmore girls, graphics: moonlight, graphics: supernatural

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kaiserschmarrn July 11 2011, 14:45:56 UTC
Woo, I love them! Even if they're old. I wouldn't have been able to tell a difference tbh and that's a compliment :) Seriously considering snagging one of Crowley +g+ I recently discovered an old fic of mine that I started after s5 that was supposed to deal with the aftermath and I never got around to finishing it (and of course canon has since then pretty much overridden what I wanted to write) but it has some amusing banter between Crowley and Bobby lol Yeah, anyway.

Our new course catalogue is online and I have such a hard time deciding what advanced seminar I want to do because it pretty much determines what I'll have to write bachelor thesis. Ugh.


violateraindrop July 11 2011, 15:05:07 UTC
Thank you! Bobby/Crowley banter sounds awesome :D

I will write my thesis in one of my courses next semester, but the courses pretty much cover all of the different things I did so far (linguistics, different literature courses or British and American history), so I'm actually not too concerned. I talked to a couple of people who wrote their thesis this semester and they said that it just "comes to you". Seriously, they had no clue and during the semester it just all fell into place for them. I have no idea what I'll write about either, but they really have me hope LOL

I guess that wouldn't work if you have too specific courses though. Or maybe it does if the seminar is about something you really like.


kaiserschmarrn July 11 2011, 16:09:16 UTC
Yeah we have pretty specific courses. Right now I'm trying to decide between "Literatur aus der Kartause. Von der Gründungszeit bis zum Humanismus" and "Kredit- und Schuldenwesen als Wachstumsmotor? Zur Ökonomie und Kulturgeschichte von Geldmärkten im langen 19. Jahrhundert" :DD I had planned to write about something in the Middle Ages because of my minor subject but "Literatur aus der Kartause" doesn't sound like something I want to write my thesis about =/ But I know the prof and he's awesome. I CAN'T DECIDE ;___; Why is there no awesome seminar this year with a topic I immediately want to write about?! Ugh.


violateraindrop July 11 2011, 16:54:12 UTC
I'll have three different courses (modules?) and none of them is sooo specific.

I can't help you with that, although the second one sounds more like something you could write a BA thesis about. I had to google "Literatur aus der Kartause", so I probably shouldn't say something at all :/

One of the literature courses is called "Images of the City: London and New York in Literature and Culture" and that sounds really interesting to me, but I don't think I want to write my thesis about a literary topic. On the other hand the two profs for this course are amazing. And all of the North American Studies courses are about social class or African-American history and that's not really my kind of thing.


kaiserschmarrn July 11 2011, 17:11:38 UTC
Don't feel bad, I had to read the seminar description to get what that seminar "Literatur aus der Kartause" was supposed to be about. Which is why I don't necessarily want to write my thesis about it but I know the prof and... well, maybe if he does another advanced seminar next semester, I could do my oral exam with him instead of writing my thesis. Idk... here are all the seminars I could take: https://www.verwaltung.uni-freiburg.de/lsfserver/servlet/de.his.servlet.RequestDispatcherServlet?state=wtree&search=1&trex=step&root120112=1145650|1146826|1146754|1146678&P.vx=kurz (not that you have to read through that, just to give you an idea ( ... )


violateraindrop July 11 2011, 17:54:37 UTC
I can't say that I think "Literatur aus der Kartause" sounds interesting, but it's not really my kind of period anyway. But I know you like the Middle Ages ( ... )


kaiserschmarrn July 11 2011, 18:02:32 UTC
Yeah "Literatur aus der Kartause" doesn't sound interesting to me either and I like the time period lol The early modern history stuff sounds really interesting... gah. Whatever, I still have time to decide :D But I think I'll write my thesis in early modern/modern times and leave the medieval stuff for an oral exam.

I would so love "History of the English Language and Medieval Literature" lol All of it sounds pretty interesting.

Maybe they'll add some more courses? I know that they'll probably add some to our catalogue because sometimes they don't have them all ready right from the start.

We'll see how it goes, I guess. I don't even want to think about my bachelor thesis. I first have to write this seminar paper :D


violateraindrop July 11 2011, 18:12:58 UTC
You wouldn't love it if you'd know the prof, believe me.

There's also a scheduling problem which still has to be solved and I saw something earlier which definitely wasn't there 2 days ago. And you have even more time than me ;)

I don't know why I'm thinking about now, because I have exams to write, starting on Thursday LOL


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