Everybody say cheese! Gouda.

Feb 26, 2007 06:27

It's 6:30ish in the morning and I haven't slept yet.
That's okay, I have a doctors appointment in a few hours.

I haven't been sleeping right at all in the past few weeks. I plan to stay up all day today and sleep all night tonight and wake up in the morning tomorrow. That should be fun.

Bathfitters are coming before noon today. Apparently we're getting a new bath tub at some point? I think my mother pulls money out of her ass sometimes.

I have a lunch date this afternoon. I think I'll make some sort of stir-fry.

Paige is doing okay. She comes back to the valley this week. I need to hang out with her.

I've discovered a new love for head bands and I need to invest in some more. My hair can look like monkey ass and a head band makes it loverly.

I have kidney pain. Time for some Advil. I love advil.

I'm not single. I don't know if I want this.

I'm trying to kill time before I start getting ready for the day. I don't want to wake my mother up.


I just realized that I'm very, very tired. Ah well.

Facebook is the shit, by the way. I'm addicted.

I haven't smoked in a few days. Quitting? Possibly.

*sings* I am a duck, I flap my wings, I wiggle my butt! Quack, quack, quack quack!

I need to go back to school. I have to figure out what I want. I feel like a bum.

If Yvonne sells her house this year, I'm moving to Ontario with her. For sure. And she'll most likely sell her house.

I have to wash my sheets. There's mascara on my pillowcases.

I'm going to dinner & a movie on Tuesday. Paddy's <3<3<3

Holy random pants.
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