(no subject)

Nov 12, 2008 13:25

Just a quick update while noah is actually sleeping in his swing.The cardio appointment went fine, he has a small hole between his atria (the upper chambers of the heart) but 70% of these qill close by the first year per the cardiologist. His bloodwork was fine. We are still waiting to here about the hcest x-ray but pediatrician thinks it will most likely be negative, and he says we will go from there. I am sure everything is fine. Spencers mom brought a baby picture of him and his mouth was REALLY crooked in it too. So thanks Dad.

Other good news, I weighed myself a week and a half ago and I was down 25 lbs since I had him, meaning I'm actually 5 lbs less than my pre pregnancy weight. WOW. another good reason to definitely keep on breastfeeding. He is still on the stupid fucking shield but whatever....
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