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Jan 19, 2005 22:26

Once upon a time in the neighborhood of epsilon lived the Calc goddess with her bestest friend the calc princess. They did everything together, but one day the calc goddess decided to wander into the negihborhood of delta. Here she meet a boy, and they like to wander together when she visted the delta neighborhood. She sometimes had a hard time finding him because she wasn't use to the calc she had to perform to find his loacation. But it always turned out to find him, one day they were talking and he just wandered off leaving her. She returned to her princess in epislon and told her that she might start living in the delta neighborhood, but some of the citizens heard about this and didn't want her to leave and didn't like that she spent some much time in delta. So they locked her and the princess up (they had to lock her up to b/c the goddess and her were best friends). So the boy had to find his way into epislon with calc which he claimed he wasn't very good at. He didn't thing he could do it and he though he'd never see the calc goddess again. But somehow he kept at it and found her and the princess and unlocked the gate with the help of calculus. The boy then was worried that it would happend again but she reminded him that he knew how to find her now so it wouldn't be a problem. She promised that she woudln't leave him and the could wander together to make sure.
Next to come in the story of the calc goddess is princess and her's story of cancelling school
the story is for the totally awesome grace and for g^2's craziness
The following of that is the ridding of the smart cookies with the help of cookie monster.... just so u all know what to look forward to
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