Dec 18, 2004 16:01
Break is finally here... two weeks with NO SCHOOL... yeppy and all the college people are back for 3-4 weeks, yay!
So yesterday I worked after school from 4-8 and then grace and katie took me home where robbie and amanda showed up and we all watched elf... then we watch anger mangement... grace and robbie left at 12 and katie and amanda waited till the movie's end, then they walked out to there cars, but katies was TPeed... haha, we figured it was seth and ryan and called chikin cell a coupld of times in which he returned and denied it was him, i found out this morning from seth that they came probably a little after 12, and finished right before katie and amanda decided to leave and drove by to take one last look at it as amanda and katie were cleaning it off... it was amusing. So this morning i got to sleep in and came downstairs to find that seth was the only one home so i have been do stuff all day like cleaned my room, wrapped presents, cleared up all my stuff to make my parents happy, balanced my checkbook, and some other things... i have to work in 2 hours and then i think i'll come home and sleep