Summer Once Again

Jun 15, 2010 20:58

Ever since I was young enough to read I got into world religions and Zen and Vedanta in particular. My music has flowed from these wellspring as it was greatly admired by Aldous Huxley and Christopher Isherwood and the Alan Watts which I read everything he wrote at one time. I am here at school with a few copies of American Poetry Review which I haven't been able to read for a while, but will shortly. It is summer now very hot in Florida and always in the news is the oil spill. I hope that I can go to the beach before any oil spill, for that is my year round fun on the beach especially in summer. In summer one always eats the summery cold salads, and sandwiches. My eating has always been around Zen and Yoga ideas. One fine tunes to the ukulele sound and the songs that pour forth into splashes of fountain pen colors. We take these roads where ever they take us and to me on paper it been fountain pen recollections or presences.
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