Back from the edge...

Nov 13, 2007 22:37

...or, I think it's time to update this again!

So. I had a really tough summer. Went home to Minnesota, came back to NY, back to MN, and am finally settled back in NY to begin my Doctor of Musical Arts degree in viola performance. Actually, I'm almost one semester done! I moved from my tiny studio into a house with a post-doctoral researcher at the main university here. She bought the house about a year ago and it's great. She has two big dogs and has gotten me excited about all the environmental stuff again. I just bought a vermicomposter and we set it up tonight!  In honor of two Nebraskan Oles who may be reading, the link involves your home-state, and yes, I have worms in my basement.  Our bin, however, is this commercial version.  I'll keep you all posted on how it works out!

Last month, I won the Eastman viola concerto competition...well, a mini-concerto anyhow.  I got to perform Vaughn Williams' Flos Campi with one of the choirs and a small orchestra. It was fantastic--combined my loves of playing with choral and chamber textures.  I felt great performing the piece, and my parents and brother were able to make it too. The strangest compliment I got was "I thought for sure you were a violinist first because your bow hand is so flexible!" At least it was meant to be a compliment!

I also got to visit my bro, his fiance, and my parents in MI after the concert.  We went to a draft-horse show and saw all sorts of crazy stuff like two horses pulling with the strength of 27, if only for a short time.  I'd put a photo, but that's pushing it for my first entry in almost a year!  What I can do is tell you to click here to see Laurelyn's photos of the event.

Romantic Front:  Dustin and I took a break, failed at the break, took a more successful break and are currently getting to know each other again but more slowly this time.  It's going rather well after all the drama.  These things should just be easy but, alas, they never are.

One more thing.   I received a sewing machine for graduation (Master's Degree, last May) and have enjoyed making bags and purses.  Tried clothes, that's a pain.  Back to bags and things.

End of story.  For now.
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