This morning I woke up to a
news story that really bothered me. Except that it didn't. I was mad, sure, I could tell I was angry, enraged even, but I was lacking my normal empathy for the victims of this story.
I went about my day, took the girls to the pool, ate dinner with J, went to rehearsal. I spent the day obsessively checking my email for the call-back list for Annie (nothing yet). I got home, and suddenly I felt it.
I was pissed. So mad I could barely speak. It colored all of my interactions with my dad - which are problematic already right now due to my feeling like I am supposed to do everything for him on top of my own life - as well as my absorption of the news and my feeds. Now, I cannot figure out how I am going to sleep, and I really need to sleep.
Part of what is bothering me so much is that this is not everywhere. Why did Maddow not talk about this tonight? Where is outrage on twitter?
Feministing? What the hell?
I can barely breathe. What I really need is for my mom to come online so I can talk to her about it. Or to talk to Amanda (this will probably happen in a few minutes). I need to see the outrage. I need people to call out this misogynistic, homophobic, violent behavior. I need to hear that this 'experiment' has ceased immediately. I need to hear how shit like this got passed the IRB of Cornell.
I need to breathe.
All of this is a real worry when I think about the career I am pursuing. Being able to set aside my empathy and anger for a short time is a good thing, but not being able to lay it aside and sleep or interact with people is a big problem. I need to learn how to deal with it.
Links related to the Cornell Female Genital Mutilation story:
ONTD_PoliticalThe original piece that drew attention to this studyDan Savage's Reporting of itConcrete action to take The relation between this surgery and attempting to erase queer womenA follow-up by the authors This entry originally posted at Please comment there.