
Sep 23, 2006 01:17

So I just got this email from the head guy at AHA, the program where i applied to study abroad. It had all this inforamtion about studying abroad, like i was already acceted. So at first i got all excited... Then I read further, and there is SO much stuff that i have to do. I have to get a visa and have my passport in hand no later than november ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

nicolie_olie_o September 23 2006, 09:48:59 UTC
Hey lady if we are both in France at the same time we are so partin European style!!


violachick September 26 2006, 17:24:12 UTC
We definately should party it up! My program starts February 5th so if you're still going to be there we should totally hang out! Where are you going to be in France?


Dude.. pyskhoangel September 23 2006, 17:41:42 UTC
Call that program ASAP!!!

As for Passport, I think you need to order it really, really soon, becasue mine took forever and I know you can have them made really fast, but it is more expensive!

I totally can't wait for you to get here, Europe is just so chill


raindrop115 September 23 2006, 20:28:55 UTC
you can get the passport within two weeks (though it usually comes a lil bit later) if you pay like $60 to expedite it. so you should be fine but i would do it right away just to be sure. i miss you! are you home during thanksgiving? we should chill


violachick September 26 2006, 17:26:06 UTC
heck yes i will be home for thanksgiving! We should definately do something because my last day of work is like 4 days before thanksgiving so i don't have to worry about that!


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