/Action foreverrrrrrr :)binaberrationJanuary 20 2010, 03:31:04 UTC
[But mittens are necessary for snowmen making. Well, Ritsuka will just be bit more decked out then. Once outside he'll heave a deep breath, just to see the puff of warm air rise against the cold. It's always entertaining to see at least once, and then it's just a bothersome reminder of how cold it is.]
When I was about your age. [ He's looking around a little absentmindedly, trying to find just the perfect snow.]
We should go into the forest where most of the snow is. [And it's not long before he makes a move of affection and holds Ritsuka's mittened hand in his.]
[Or all the people who seem to enjoy destroying the forest in the name of "training". He's a bit more concerned of that than Soubi's hand right now. Oh, but he noticed. He just doesn't care... for the time being.]
[Off to the side of town could have worked just as well, there are trees all over this place. Oh well though, a bit of a longer walk isn't too troubling after being in doors for such a while. But isn't this a bit much?]
Are you still going to paint the snow?
Yes. It's what you want, right Ritsuka
You should just paint what you want to. If I asked if anyone could make a camera now, I might be able to catch the next snowfall.
We should make a snowman. [He's staying mum on the camera thing for now, as he's been asking around himself.]
[Pause. There's really nothing better to do so...] Okay, I guess.
[Soubi won't throw on anything extra for the snow, besides a scarf and his usual purple jacket.]
I haven't enjoyed the snow in a long time.
When was the last time you did?
We should go into the forest where most of the snow is. [And it's not long before he makes a move of affection and holds Ritsuka's mittened hand in his.]
[Or all the people who seem to enjoy destroying the forest in the name of "training". He's a bit more concerned of that than Soubi's hand right now. Oh, but he noticed. He just doesn't care... for the time being.]
[ He's confident that they can find a spot, a quiet spot that is.
Eventually they do, it seems secluded enough.]
How should we start it?
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