May 04, 2005 17:13

Wow, its been a while since i updated.

HAHAHAHAhaha ha ha

I just want to say right now that i'm in a pretty fuckin incredibile band. How many people do you know whose bands have a banjuitar in them? oh yeah, probably none. OTHER THAN ME. THATS RIGHT, A BANJUITAR! wow, how cool am i? pretty cool i'd say. pretty effin cool.

let me make a list of my favorite things about emily:

1. She's cool
2. she's in my band
3. she almost always wears pants
4. She'll smack me around if i call the banjuitar a banjo
5. she doesn't have syphilis
6. McKay
7. her name is emily...i mean, c'mon!
8. I'm running out of ideas
10. soup

wow, yeah i think that pretty much sums it up.

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