“Behind every good woman lies a trail of men."

Mar 23, 2004 20:22

Announcing The Behind Every Good Woman Rare-Het Challenge:

Multi-fandom, rare het, casual sex, snarky feminist humor, one-night stands, youthful indiscretions and more. Any fandom, any rating, any length, any genre welcome. The only requirements are that the fic be written about a little-known pairing, het and preferably unromantic.

The challenge is now open for sign-ups. Sign-ups close April 15, fics will be due May 1.

Sign up here:

Poll The 'Behind Every Good Woman' Fic Challenge

*Edited to add: If you don't have a LiveJournal account or would just rather not fill out the poll, just comment here. (Anonymous commenting is enabled.) Be sure to include your name, email address, fandom, pairing and whether you need your fic hosted or will upload it yourself.

challenge, behind every good woman (lies a trail of

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