My answers to the questions for Days Five, Six and Seven for the 30 Days of Fanfiction Meme are pretty short and sweet, so I'm combining them all into one post:
Day 5 -If you have ever had a character try to push their way into a fic, whether your "muse" or not, what did you do about it?
For me it's all about the story versus particular characters - characters make their entrance (or exit) depending on what the storytelling needs. Sometimes characters show up unexpectedly but usually it's because the needs of the story dictated it. (I have had a couple OCs stick around far longer than planned. Celia Williams and Hayden Fairborne, I am looking at you.)
Day 6 - When you write, do you prefer writing male or female characters?
I think I'm pretty 50-50, though I'll confess that I go out of my way to write female characters because a) I don't feel like they get enough fandom love a lot of the time and b) often those are the stories that aren't getting told in canon either.
Day 7 - Have you ever had a fic change your opinion of a character?
A fic I've written or one I read? I'll concede that certain trends/tropes in fandoms have occasionally made characters less appealing to me. (See also: Draco Malfoy - and pretty much every 'misfit geek' character ever.)
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