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just discovered your LGM fic ticketsonmyself August 13 2011, 10:37:19 UTC
and oh wow, I am so pleased it exists, I can't even. Jimmy/Yves? Or Leverage, Parker/Hardison?


Re: just discovered your LGM fic viola_dreamwalk August 13 2011, 20:37:47 UTC
How about both? :) I had ten slots open and they haven't all been filled.

Glad you like the LGM fic! I actually think I have a couple more Jimmy/Yves pieces, apart from the longer fic, in the archives here, if you're interested.


Re: just discovered your LGM fic ticketsonmyself August 14 2011, 09:01:59 UTC
Yes!! Thank you! :D I didn't realize I could get more than one request in. If I ask for more, will they qualify, too? ;)

Oh, oh that is excellent news. Thank you! (And is Hannah the daughter of Byers and Susanne??)


Re: just discovered your LGM fic viola_dreamwalk August 14 2011, 17:37:34 UTC
There are four more slots open. Go nuts! ;)

Re: Hannah -- I'm not even sure whether explaining her backstory would make sense at this point. There's a whole lot that has to happen before we get to her and it might just be confusing. I will share this: Susanne isn't her mom, but Byers is her dad. :)


Re: just discovered your LGM fic ticketsonmyself August 14 2011, 20:18:19 UTC
:D I give you extra options, in case of failure to inspire!

Cordelia/Wesley, Angel
Olivia/alt!Charlie, Fringe
Olivia/Nina, Fringe
Doggett/Reyes, The X-Files
Olivia/Esther in the "Brown Betty" AU, Fringe
John/Teyla, Stargate Atlantis
Olivia/Astrid, Fringe

Ahh! Well, if you would like to share (any of) Hannah's backstory, I would love to hear it anyway! :) It does make sense that Susanne isn't Hannah's mom - I was wondering how Susanne would finagle that and be on the run indefinitely. (Unless Susanne ended up like Sarah Connor - though there are some similarities, to be sure!)


Re: just discovered your LGM fic viola_dreamwalk August 15 2011, 03:08:49 UTC
Oh, Fringe! Excellent. Would you be opposed to some Faux-livia/Lincoln in your Olivia/alt!Charlie? Also- I totally need to rewatch "Brown Betty" because Olivia/Esther has possibilities!

Thanks for these! I'll probably do a few of them. :)


Re: just discovered your LGM fic ticketsonmyself August 15 2011, 09:13:17 UTC
No opposition to Fauxlivia/Lincoln! And yay, I think Olivia/Esther is pretty intriguing.

If you need another option here, how about Leverage, Sophie/Tara? :)


just remembered! ticketsonmyself August 14 2011, 09:17:25 UTC
I thought you might get a kick out of this - I recced "Them Bones" at halfamoon a while ago!


Re: just remembered! viola_dreamwalk August 14 2011, 17:44:40 UTC
Oh thank you! That is so cool. That's an intriguing community, too. Do they do that just once a year? I took an extended vacation from fandom for a couple years, so am just rediscovering a lot stuff -- and this is right up my alley!


Re: just remembered! ticketsonmyself August 14 2011, 20:22:00 UTC
You're very welcome! Yeah, halfamoon officially runs for the first half of February each year.


Gravity (Jimmy/Yves) viola_dreamwalk August 22 2011, 03:14:38 UTC
“You know, most people save their yearly benders for St. Paddy's Day ( ... )


Re: Gravity (Jimmy/Yves) ticketsonmyself August 22 2011, 15:27:00 UTC
“Hey, come get your boyfriend.”

“What did she say?” Jimmy asked once Sam had hung up.

“That she's not your girlfriend...” He paused. “But that she'll be here in ten minutes.”


I like that you indicate there is a "usual" for them.

So in character (and, yes, so sad).


also ticketsonmyself August 31 2011, 23:01:54 UTC
Yves & Jimmy picspam! :)

... )


Re: also viola_dreamwalk September 1 2011, 05:30:58 UTC
This (and the Parker/Hardison stuff) totally reminded me that I used to have a dancing icon that was Jimmy/Yves. I'll have to try and dig it up. :) Thank you!


Re: Gravity (Jimmy/Yves) ext_234115 January 2 2013, 17:07:49 UTC
Oh, my heart. This is so plausible for the way they deal with their grief. I love what your title says about their situation.


Re: Gravity (Jimmy/Yves) viola_dreamwalk January 3 2013, 19:07:24 UTC
Thanks! So glad you enjoyed this. I've played with incorporating this into a longer fic at some point. We'll see if I get around to it. :)


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