
Mar 29, 2007 14:24

Hey y'all! I'm feeling better today; I'm pretty sure that nagging feeling is gonna come up once or twice more in my life, and when it happens, I'm gonna be really frustrated about it, but for now, I'm feeling SO GOOD about life right now that it's all good; I'm not thinking about it, because it's not a big deal.

So anyways, school's almost over, everyone!!!! Kinda scary, but right now I'm just looking forward to not having homework/assignments/tests, cuz this year has just been tough, man. French Literature is almost over, and WOW let me tell you, I'm not a stupid girl; in fact I'm pretty damn smart, and yet that class crushes my brain and snatches a bit of my soul every time I go. Wow.

So I went to H & M today downtown (SUCH a nice day out), and spent all $50 that were on my gift card from Christmas. Got 4 different shirts, all of the tourquoise/purple/green variety, and I've owned NOTHING green in my life (other than the Carter uniform) up till now, so it's interesting. The guy at the counter (I'm not so much scared of the flamboyant ones as I am so very eager to be their friend lol) was talking with one of the other girls that work there, & they said I made good choices lol, and then the guy was saying that the new guy working there was très cute, so that was fun. I noticed he was training the new guy a bit before, and he was acting normal to him, but the new guy WAS cute, and I could tell he thought so lol. Then the guy at the counter said something along the lines of "Sorry sorry, I'm being slow, I can't count change and talk at the same time" , and I was like "oh pssh, me neither, I'm disabled when it comes to money", and he was like "ooohhh, high five for that one. And extra points for using 'disabled' instead of 'retarded'." ....LOL I don't even know, you guys. It was funny though. And so we did a high-five. VERRRy random. lmao

So that was good times, and now I'm in the library just truckin along on this little sucker, wasting time before class. Then tomorrow I only have one class, & then it's off to Alex's for our 2 & 1/2 years pseudo-celebration. Yeah, it's only 2 and a HALF, so we don't really do presents or anything. We just get together and hang out, and that's all I really want right now. Love that guy. :)

On Monday he randomly picked me up after I got home from class & suggested we go SHOPPING! I was like :| "Ummm, who are you??" haha, and then he was like "Well, haven't you been saying I need new shirts?" And then I did a double-take and said "wait wait want to shop for...CLOTHES??" ahahaha it was great. turns out he had a Roots gift card, so we went, checked it out, & he didn't find anything so I used it on a sweet black hoodie for myself muhahaha. Good times. THEN he suggested we get some gelato (we were at Vaughan Mills), and I was like "Okay seriously, WHO ARE YOU?!?!?" lol, so we went, and I wasn't really feeling gelato right then, so he got some, (and tried a NEW flavour, mind you...*this is NOT Alex,* I kept thinking, lol) and I got an icee. Mmmmmmmmmm, cherry icees. And there was this kid in a stroller in front of us in line who was staring at Alex SO SADLY while he ate his gelato...I was waiting for my icee and the kid just looked SO longingly at Alex while he was eating, and he was like "awww man, this is kinda torturous for the little guy. I feel guilty now." ahah. But the little kid's dad got him some baby-hand-sized cookies, so everything was good. lmao RANDOM stories coming outta me today, but I don't care. I'm just happy today. I'll be even happier tomorrow when I get to see that guy again, but yeah :).  School's almost over, work's paying me good money, and that boyfriend is just the shiz-snickle, ladies and gents. lol okay I've obviously rambled enough. What a gusher.  I'm gonna look back at this and probably throw up at the mushiness lol, but meh, that's how life is, people. And yeah, um, that's it. Sorry, no deep revelations today.

Come on, guys! We're gonna make it!!
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