Wednesday Hump Day Mid-week Full Moon day-after Musings...

May 05, 2004 09:39

QAF Season 5! WooHooooo!! triskymccloy has link to article that reports a 13-episode 5th Season has been picked up by Showtime. (why One episode less than S3 & S4?? doesn't say.)

I stayed up late late last night watching my Minnesota Timberwolves play the 1st game of their 2nd round play-offs, and because I multi-task so well, I re-watched 401 & 402 on Dad's laptop while game played on big tv with puppy at my feet. And just cause it bares repeating:
Brian & Justin are so verymuchinlove & so couple-y. There are 2 noticeable scenes where their heads 'react' together and are framed together for the reaction shot (at the Diner to Deb's 3x a day talk with Mikey announcement, and when Jennifer leaves loft & announces she won't be charging commission), I LOVE Justin's little 'innocent'-'I have NO idea how they found out' face at Woody's when Lindsey is making her announcement/presentation- and I love ALL of Brian's little looks to Justin as that scene plays out.
I Adore Adore the scene in 402 of them in bed together- and boy, howdy Do I automatically notice the glimpse of Randy's cock now that paddies did the screen cap of it. Hello there!
Ok, enough of that for now.

And just for the record- trickymccloy- I haven't YET watched 405 & 406. Will Power has held strong. :-)

Try not to get caught in the crossfire of a heated emotional battle today. Your happy, freedom-loving nature is too precious to be tainted by harsh abrasive words and emotions. If things begin to flare up today, put up some sort of mental protective wall for yourself that shields you from people who may be too caught up in their own drama to really see how their impulsive actions are affecting the people around them.

Secretly held troubles or psychological inhibitions that you carry with you could surface today. Venus is in opposition with Pluto and this aspect can heighten even the most buried of issues. If conflict happens between yourself and someone close to you, consider looking within to understand what's really bothering you. See about finding ways to break free such as talking with a trusted friend or reading a related book.

Well, given Mom cornering me this morning (& before coffee ;-/) about her being still concerned about Dad's health, not trusting his dr. and wanting me to 'keep an eye on him', looks like I *do* have an emotional battle to stay out of.
Mom has noticed Dad's ankles are a bit swollen, which means water retention, which is just all kinds of no-good for a person with congenitive heart failure- and could be sign of his heart being in a bad A-fib (or irregular rhythm), but Dr. didn't make note of that just suggested yesterday it might be allergies or a viral infection and suggested a change in his medication which has my Mom more concerned, rather than less.

Mom also figures that part of why Dad wanted her with him when he went to the doctor's is he expected to get hospitalized- as that has happened twice in since his diagnosis. And all this going on with trip to Seattle in little over a week.

*sigh- back to worrying & trying to work & eating apple fritter*
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