Title: Sick And Tired
Fandom: Trauma Center
Characters: Derek Stiles x Angie Thompson, mentions of Emilio Juarez
Prompt: 90 days, Table A, Prompt #88 (Pillow)
Word Count: 150
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Under the Knife 2 spoilers, mentions of death.
Summary: Derek still has nightmares about the lost boy.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.
Sick And Tired
Angie knows that Derek still has nightmares about his one and only true loss in the operating room.
She can tell by his sudden movements that consist of him reaching out to nothing and never finding what he needs. She can tell by the noises he makes, because he calls the lost boy's name and he cries please oh please don't die and please oh please just let him live. She can tell by the sad, sad look he gives her when he wakes up in the morning, and the eyes that threaten to spill tears. She can tell by the way he presents himself the next day, with short, uncaring responses to everyone he talks to and a slow walk that shows that he doesn't want to be anywhere at all.
All Angie can do is pull him closer to her and pray that the nightmares will someday disappear.