Words I Can't Say (drabbleday - Prompt #10: Lost)

Mar 03, 2009 15:19

Title: Words I Can't Say
Fandom: Trauma Center
Characters: Victor Niguel, Tyler Chase, Sidney Kasal, Derek Stiles
Prompt: 90 days, Table A, Prompt #10 (Lost)
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Minor swearing.
Summary: The lies feel better to tell. But not really.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

Words I Can't Say
Victor has always found it difficult to say what is truly on his mind. When anyone shows any sign of kindness or friendship, he pushes it away, although he doesn't want to.

"The lies feel better to tell."

(But not really.)

- x -

"Do you need help with anything, Victor? I'm not doing much right now..." Tyler says.

"You never do much. I don't need help from someone like you."

(I could use a little help right now, actually... Oh well. He already left.)

- x -

"Do you really think you can do this in such a short time, Victor?" Sidney asks.

"Of course I can. I'll have it done in no time. Everything will be perfect."

(I don't know... This is unlike anything I've ever done before, but I'll try.)

- x -

"Do you care about the patients, Victor?" Derek questions.

"Why the hell would I? I've never met a single one of them!"

(Maybe, just maybe, I do. What's the point of my job if I don't care?)

- x -

"I'm lost and confused. I don't know why I can't just say what I mean..." Victor says.

Finally, finally, he feels he has said something worth listening to--the truth.

But no one is around to hear.

fandom: trauma center, comm: drabbleday

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