Title: All That Remains
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Benjamin Linus, unnamed people
Prompt: Table #14, Prompt #5 (anonymous)
Word Count: 379
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mentions of death and blood.
Summary: Analysis has not yet determined a time of death.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.
All That Remains
Analysis has not yet determined a time of death. Confirming the date of birth had been easy, and they thought they could successfully provide an answer, if there was anyone looking for one. But this is just how it is. No time of death. Nothing.
Despite this, there's still injuries. There are injuries everywhere. He's bleeding in all the wrong places; his blood was looking for an escape and ended up killing itself and the one it was trying to escape from. There's more bruises and cuts than they can count, and with his brain, you would think he was mentally ill. Or an alcoholic. Or something. When in reality, he wasn't.
But most of them aren't visible. Most of them, they know because of the whispers of the ghost he's left behind. His love for the island is hidden in his liver somewhere. Disappointment in himself, that's in the left kidney. Disappointment in his daughter, the right kidney. His imagination, which, to most people, should be a blessing, is only a burden and is hidden in the pit of his stomach somewhere, for all it gave him was false hope regarding his mother and a god who never answered him. In the heart, there's a mix of all of this and more, because he had tried to avoid hurting and burdening his heart, but he couldn't save it in the end because it was all so intense, so overwhelming.
Yes, analysis of remains show signs of struggle here. And some struggles prove to be new, and some old. So old, perhaps they were there before he was born--if he ever was born, which isn't impossible to them anymore after what they've seen and heard. And the questions keep coming and coming and they're getting nowhere. They know they're not going to get anywhere, not this with man's confusing remains and his ghost lingering, offering nothing.
And finally, they claim there's no time of death. They say they should have done this so long ago. The body's rotted for far too long, and they just can't come up with a solution, and they're so sorry. So sorry, because this man died years and years before his heart finally gave in and forced him to give himself to them.