Title: (I Wish I Was) Bullet Proof
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Benjamin Linus, mentions of Alexandra Rousseau, Martin Keamy, Richard Alpert, and Juliet Burke
Prompt: Table #17, Prompt #6 (i wish)
Word Count: 196
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Guns? Character spoilers, mentions of violence.
Summary: When Keamy shot Alex, he didn't shoot just one bullet.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.
(I Wish I Was) Bullet Proof
When Keamy shot Alex, he didn't shoot just one bullet. He shot thousands, millions, and he shot them all throughout the world while having standing firmly in that one spot, a sick, sick smile creeping upon his face. And Ben, he knows that when more than one bullet is shot, they can all be heard separately if you listen closely, even if they're shot at the exact same time.
So Ben, he heard all the thousands, millions of bullets flying from Keamy's gun. He heard it hit his daughter's head when she still had so much of her life left to live. He heard it shoot Richard, the one who advised her whenever she needed someone real. He heard it pierce through Juliet, who watched over her to make sure she would never turn out like her so-called father. He heard it on the island and in America and in Europe--anywhere and everywhere, because that's how loved his daughter was. Most of all, he heard the one pierce his own heart, telling him that this was all his fault, all his fault.
And because of this, he'll remember them for the rest of his life.