A Kiss To Go Into The Unknown (mission_insane - Table #2, Prompt #8: broody)

Jan 16, 2010 22:16

Title: A Kiss To Go Into The Unknown
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Benjamin Linus x Juliet Burke
Prompt: Table #2, Prompt #8 (broody) // LOST Fic Battle 2010 (Ben/Juliet, ace up your sleeve)
Word Count: 246
Rating: G
Warning(s): None.
Summary: Sometimes Ben would be walking toward her and she thought he'd say hello or smile and then walk right on by. But he didn't.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

A Kiss To Go Into The Unknown
Sometimes Ben would be walking toward her and she thought he'd say hello or smile and then walk right on by.

But he didn't. He stole a kiss from her instead. Sometimes on the cheek. Sometimes on the forehead. And when he was feeling daring, he stole a kiss on the lips.

And she was left behind, standing still, breathless as she couldn't properly understand what happened. He had stolen a kiss and pretended like it was nothing, but she knew it had to be something more. It was Ben, after all. So he consumed her thoughts and she wondered: Had he stolen a part of her and taken it with him only to destroy it without her knowledge? Had he stolen time itself away from her, wasted a few more seconds of her pathetic life to warn her that she couldn't amount to anything anyway, so trying was pointless? Had he left her a part of him, a heartbreaking or lovable or malicious part that she couldn't deny no matter how hard she tried?

And every single time, she had to force herself to just stop thinking about it all--because distracting her from the task at hand and making her question the truth was exactly what he wanted. So she wiped the part of her that he kissed, wiped away a past that only insisted on lingering in her heart, and tried to prove that she wasn't vulnerable until he decided to strike again.

comm: mission_insane, fandom: lost, comm: lostsquee

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