Father of Mine (fanfic50 - Prompt #9: Dirty)

Jul 29, 2009 00:16

Title: Father of Mine
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Usopp, mentions of Yasopp
Prompt: Table #3, Prompt #9 (Dirty) // Week 62, +2 (Story) // August 6, 2009 (three thousand five hundred miles away)
Word Count: 200
Rating: G
Warning(s): Character spoilers.
Summary: Usopp wants to show his father that he's following in his footsteps, wants to be called a son worth having.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

Father of Mine
Usopp was once told that his father was sincerely sorry for abandoning his family to become a pirate. He was told that the sea just kept offering promises and hope and a life worth living.

Usopp thinks he understands. It was for the very same reason that he left his hometown to sail through the seas, after all--and he wants to show his father that he's following in his footsteps, wants to be called a son worth having.

And so, he watches and he waits for other pirate ships as he travels. He watches for a flag that represents his father's crew, waits for them to encounter each other for the first time in years. Whenever he does see another pirate ship, he can't help but smile and feel the tears starting to fall from his eyes. He can't help but hope that his father is just as eager and that he's been searching, too.

But at the same time, it's like there's a heart attack lying inside his chest--because his cowardice is still a part of him and he's not that strong or useful in battle and he thinks that he'll just be a disappointment once more.

fandom: one piece, comm: fanfic50, comm: 31_days, comm: writing_game

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