Title: Truth or Consequence?
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Characters: Muarim, Tormod
Prompt: #55 (landslide)
Word Count: 248
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mentions of violence and death.
Summary: He just cannot forgive himself for something that happened so long ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.
Truth or Consequence?
The incident passed long ago, but still, it is a major part of Muarim's life. It haunts his mind, devours him in his dreams. It follows him like his own shadow, destroys him on the inside.
He just cannot seem to forgive himself for raising Tormod for years like he was his son only to almost shatter what they had created. He just cannot seem to forgive himself for almost turning into a Feral One and killing Tormod.
"It wasn't your fault," Tormod says sadly when he sees Muarim stare at him with empty and bloodshot eyes.
"I know," Muarim replies, but he doesn't care and he doesn't believe it.
"I never would have left you, even if Rafiel hadn't come to save you. I would have kept trying to get through to you."
"I know," Muarim replies, but his voice shakes and his body trembles.
"You know. I know that you know. I hope that you always know."
"I never would have hurt you," Muarim says, pretending that he didn't hear the response that he was given. He waits for his heart to break and slip through the cracks on the floor and fall into the depths of Hell, but it does not.
"I know. You should know that I know. I'll always know."
And they both smile because they need to--but they both know that it's only a matter of time before they'll have to try to prove their loyalty to each other once more.