A Monster's Fate (fanfic50 - Prompt #10: Lie)

Jul 02, 2009 16:40

Title: A Monster's Fate
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Chopper
Prompt: Table #3, Prompt #10 (Lie) // July 6, 2009 (rage, rage, against the dying of the light)
Word Count: 514
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Character spoilers, mentions of blood, death, and violence.
Summary: The human part of his body and the reindeer part of his body are tied down by blood and war and hate and ignorance.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

A Monster's Fate
He's heard stories about a red-nosed reindeer before.

He's never seen the creature himself, but he knows that he can relate--because they're both so different from the rest of their kind. He has a blue nose unlike everyone else he knows and this color fits him because he's alone. He's always, always alone when he doesn't want to be. He just wants to play and run and eat and sleep with the rest of the reindeer and he wants to be accepted and he never wants to hear the word monster escape anyone's lips ever again, just like the red-nosed reindeer--or just like the red-nosed reindeer had been.

He knows that the red-nosed reindeer is saved in the end. He knows that the red-nosed reindeer finally finds somewhere he belongs and he's useful and he's known throughout the entire world, cherished by all of the children and all of the adults and all of the other animals that he has never met and will probably never meet. He's a hero, and he's not a monster anymore. It's almost like he never was. He's wanted, and he's not lonely anymore. It's almost like he never was. His nose is still red, but it no longer represents blood and war and hate and ignorance. It's almost like it never did.

It's a story meant to inspire, a story meant to bring hope to those who think that all is lost--everyone but him. He knows that he won't have a happy and fulfilling life such as that, because it's been so very long and nothing has happened and no one has come to his aid and nothing will ever happen and no one will ever come and he will continue to yearn while his shallow heart beats and while he breathes and sees and hears the insults and lack of acceptance around him and he will continue to imagine his death in the cold snow and the white snow, a sign of betrayal, a sign that this is how it's meant to be, a sign that nothing will change, so please oh please give up and give in as soon as possible for everyone's sake.

And so he does, and he lies in the cold snow and the white snow. The human part of his body and the reindeer part of his body are tied down by blood and war and hate and ignorance. There's so much of it all, so much that he no longer wishes to feel anything and he no longer wants to stand up and try again.

He's heard stories about a red-nosed reindeer who overcame this blood and war and hate and ignorance, but that is not his story.

And it never will be, he knows. It never could be, he knows, and so he allows the cold snow and the white snow and the blood and war and hate and ignorance to bring him into the darkness, because he knows that this is the fate that belongs to a true blue-nosed man-reindeer like him, a true monster like him.

fandom: one piece, comm: fanfic50, comm: 31_days

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