Accusations (fanfic50 - Prompt #44: Magick)

Jun 26, 2009 04:32

Title: Accusations
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Nami
Prompt: Table #3, Prompt #44 (Magick) // July 13, 2009 (the ones that are never said and never explained)
Word Count: 131
Rating: G
Warning(s): None.
Summary: She's always called a witch.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

Nami is well aware that she's always called a witch. The rest of the crew says it. The people in her town say it. Everyone says it. Everyone believes that she is one without question, because she betrayed them without appearing to have any regrets.

And maybe, just maybe, it's true--but she doesn't like to believe it. She doesn't like to believe that she's a witch, because she has no magic powers to cast spells on anyone, and she can't communicate with the dead in any way. She doesn't own a black cat and she doesn't ride through the night sky on a broomstick, laughing at everyone beneath her.

If she doesn't do any of these things, then she can't really be a witch, right?

But that's the only comfort that she has.

fandom: one piece, comm: fanfic50, comm: 31_days

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