Together (Fanfic50 - Prompt #38: Together)

Jul 17, 2008 13:04

Title: Together
Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Characters: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, mention of Dick Gumshoe
Prompt: Table #1, Prompt #38 (Together)
Word Count: 484
Rating: G
Summary: With a little bit of patience and persistence, Phoenix believed he could get Miles to accept his invitation.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.


Miles Edgeworth couldn't believe he had agreed to come to this wretched ice skating rink.

It had been Detective Gumshoe's idea. He considered it as a celebration for the ending of another long and dramatic case that had taken its toll on numerous people, and Miles had been so relieved it was over he hadn't even given his choice a little bit of thought. And now, he was paying the price; he watched all the other people skate from the sidelines, holding on so he wouldn't embarrass himself by falling on the brutal ice. Miles attempted to look uninterested and bored, failing miserably every time someone got anywhere near him by flinching.

"Um... Edgeworth?"

Miles turned around, surprised to see Phoenix Wright by him. Of course he was here. Every wild case always involved Phoenix Wright in some way or another, and of course Detective Gumshoe had to go and bring him along too. Regaining his composure, he asked harshly, "What do you want, Wright?"

Miles glared at Phoenix, trying to get him to leave him alone. Instead, Phoenix reached out his hand casually and smiled warmly at Miles.

"Come on. You can't stay over here forever."

"And why not? Clearly, I don't like ice skating. Can't you live with that, Wright?" Miles's voice was as cold as the ice beneath him.

Phoenix frowned slightly, but his hand never moved. "You don't like it because you've never tried it. You don't know how to skate," he said.

So... he noticed, Miles thought bitterly. He was probably the only one who did notice.

Miles wouldn't give in that easily, however. He turned away from Phoenix, holding on to the wall the entire time, looking at the other skaters in the rink to declare that he was done with him.

"Come on, Edgeworth. It could be fun!" Phoenix insisted, moving his way in front of Miles again. Once again, he outstretched his hand.

"Haven't you helped me enough, Wright?" Miles asked, recalling all of the cases they had been through together. He was willing to have Phoenix's help then and even offered to assist the defense attorney himself, but this was just ridiculous. He didn't need his help now, and never would with things that weren't related to their jobs.

Phoenix never responded, but never moved his hand, either. Miles decided that he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He kept looking past Phoenix, hoping he would get the hell away from him before he lost his patience. His eyes darted back and forth between Phoenix's smiling face and the rink, growing more and more annoyed every time he looked at the man.

If I try it once... maybe he'll finally leave me alone.

Sighing heavily, he took Phoenix by the hand, accepting his invitation to do something together for the first time since they were children that had nothing to do with law.

comm: fanfic50, fandom: ace attorney

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