May 04, 2005 02:02
Friday is my math test. I've gotta do some hardcore studying tommorow and after that some harcore reading to do for english.
I'm just now realizing that all I ever update about is fucking school. Wow, where did my fucking life go? Well now that school is almost out maybe I can concentrate on other shit. This semester sucked. My grades all seem to be lingering around the C area. I could so do better but fucking sculpture man sucked all my grades down due to the fucking workload, let me say FUCK one more time to give that sentence a nice tally of three.
Momma's day is coming up soon, which is cool but bad cause I have no fucking money. I hate never being able to get my family shit for birthdays and whatnot because Im so poor. They say they understand but It still makes me feel bad.
Im not gonna be able to go to Miranda's wedding either which moms gonna be pissed about, but apparently for some unknown reason EVERY other associate at work requested that day off. FUCk. oh well, It would've been nice to go and play a quick catch up with the losers, cunts and few actual friends I went to high school with.
I burned alot of Jay's cds and that makes me happy. He grafittied (sp?) my arm tonight, twas so juvenile and sweet.
Im itchy now cause his cat's got fleas. Freakin cat.
Well I should be going I suppose....tata