Apr 27, 2005 11:47
God my "T" button is fucked up, so If there are missing letters in this entry you know why. So school is almost over! More specifically Sculpture is almost over. Thank GOD. I seriously hope I get at least a C in this class. 1 of my sculptures is awesome ( if you dont look at the tiny areas I couldn't reach to stain), 1 is above mediocre although some of the patina came off during the move to the sculpture studio and my carving is kind of crappy...Well very crappy. It unfortunate becuae that's the one I was most excited about doing. My design was awesome, but my log was FAR to freaking big and therefore too time consuming. But I'm hoping the awesome sourcebook I did will makeup for it. We'll see. But as far as finals go I'm only really concerned with my Math final. Everything else I could handle in my sleep.
In non-scholastic news, My mom came to visit for a short time last night which was nice. I was in such a crappy mood this a.m. due to sculpture thouhg Im afraid I took it out on her, which wasn't right. But she got to meet Jay, which I think went rather well. She now knows he's Jewish, which didnt seem to openly bother her as much as I thought It would, she was moreso bothered by the fact that I didn't tell her. To which I responded well I rrrreally like him and wanted you to get to know him first without making automatic assumptions or telling me not to date him. But as much as I would LIKE my mother's seal of approval , she knows that I'm extremely independant and will do what I think is best regardless.
So Saturday is my FIRST day off. Yes that's right...NO school, NO work, NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH. So plans as I would like them are to include a lot of lounging about, spending time with Jay and watching assloads of movies. Ah, I can't wait. It's getting to where I forget what it's like to ACTUALLY enjoy life, so this will be neat.
Work is still blah. I think I'm going to look for another job this summer.
I kind of wish I hadn't signed a one year lease at my apt. I mean I really like it dont get me wrong, But a year seems like such a long time to be stuck somewhere. Maybe it's school that's doing this to me but lately I've felt very antsy and impatient, yearning to GO, just go somewhere. It would be lovely to just forgo responsibility for a couple weeks, hell even a month or so. but then reality kicks in and reminds me that I'm broke..Ah..So it goes.....
Well I should have spent this time studying Gothic Architecture like I intended but apparently I had a lot more to say than I thought...Hmmm....